Enrichment Instruction

Enrichment Instruction

What is Enrichment Instruction ?

The Peaceful Schools Enrichment Instruction Program helps give students a reason to show up and a reason to show off. When students find their passion and are given opportunities to pursue it at school, they are more likely to attend school, stay focused, and are better prepared to learn. The pride they have in their academic achievements often engage the students’ families through showcases, fairs and galleries at school. Our Enrichment Program immerses students in fun, hands-on, project-based learning in:


By weaving social-emotional learning and behavioral rehearsal in with S.T.E.A.M. projects, our enrichment instruction supports student growth in the Peaceful Schools’ C.A.R.E.S. core social skills. Every school is different and Peaceful Schools can help to build an empowering and engaging enrichment program for your students.

What services do we provide?

By offering a wide variety of courses and weaving together core lessons in S.T.E.A.M., our program empowers students with voice and choice to help unlock their own interests and passions, and prepare them for career exploration and college readiness. Hands-on, project based programing allows the students to develop their technical skills in:

  • dance (theatrical, modern, classical, etc.),
  • fine arts (painting, drawing, ceramics, etc.),
  • digital media (graphic design, photography, digital editing, etc.),
  • music,
  • robotics,
  • computer coding,
  • drone technology, and
  • team building (bridge building, rocket launching, experiment design, environmental sciences, etc.).

The core lesson of each project is to teach students the strategy of S.T.A.R. Power® – each person’s ability to Stop, Think, and Act with Respect while developing their knowledge and skills to empower students and adults to stand up for what’s right for themselves, others and their communities.

Our Enrichment program is offered as part of the Extended Learning Time (ELT) initiative in elementary and K-8 schools in the Syracuse City School District in Syracuse, NY. Our instructors serve all students in grades K-8 during their school day, providing enrichment curriculum built around S.T.E.A.M. projects and social-emotional themes.

In addition to teaching a wide variety of courses, our instructors support the students and school in various ways, such as facilitating mediations between students, providing restorative services and coordinating school-wide events.

Learn more about our partnership and view student projects here.

“The enrichment experiences that Peaceful Schools provide each and every one of our students at H.W. Smith has a lasting impact on their lives, exposing them to careers, skills, and ideas that instill a desire to innovate locally and contribute globally.

At H.W. Smith, the Peaceful Schools staff contribute to the climate and culture of the building by being positive role models showing enthusiasm for their curriculum and providing individual student support throughout the day.”Vice-Principal, H.W. Smith PreK-8 School, Syracuse City School District