Tips and Love for Back-to-School

The start of a new school year is always full of possibilities, excitement, and nerves. As this school year gets underway, our Peaceful People share some words of wisdom and love to help us all start this year on the right foot!
Lynette Spencer, Community School Coordinator:
Be kind to yourself as transitions are challenging. Set new routines but give yourself flexibility. Don’t forget to smile under your mask and drink water.
Jessie Owen, Director of Restorative Practice:
Give yourself grace and flexibility-lean on your people- smile and be present, the first few weeks are magical (so are structures and routines).
Dr. Lura Lunkenheimer, President of Peaceful Schools:
As we head back to school one way to get prepared is take a few minutes to think about things you are looking forward to in the week/month to come and use that as a launch pad for talking with students, colleagues and parents. Too often we rely on questions about “what did you do this summer” but for some of us, that it a really tough question to answer, either because we don’t feel like we did anything that someone else will find exciting/interesting or because in that moment we just can’t think of anything to share. So, asking future focused questions removes that barrier and invites the people to talk about what is to come. And for those kids who are “not sure” what to be excited about, be ready to share the things you are looking forward to including letting them know you are looking forward to seeing them! – Have a great start to the year!!
Katie Binder, Enrichment Instructor:
When you dance to your own rhythm, life taps its toes to your beat! Never miss a chance to dance! Can’t wait to be in dance class with our students!
Kristina Parker, Office Administrator
Getting back to school is exciting and fun, but it can also be stressful. If you can try to spend a few minutes doing something that helps you to relax!
Sierra Messina-Yauchzy, Enrichment Instructor:
Be patient: with yourself, your teachers, and your peers. Every day is a new opportunity for success!
Nicole Bembry, Community School Coordinator:
Take love and joy in what you do.
And let that be your goal each day.
No matter what the school day or storm looks like.
When going back to school this year.
Your heart has to be bigger, Your hands longer, Your patience stronger, Your understanding and view wider.
Chrissy Buss, Enrichment Manager:
Getting stuck behind a school bus can and will make you late to work. Until you know if there will be a bus on your route leave earlier than you need to. Do I sometimes forget to follow my own advice….yup. Plan ahead!
Leanne Spencer, Director of Community Schools:
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you have questions in the classroom, about local resources, or how to navigate school policies and procedures, there is always someone who can help.
Dani Ryan, Vice President of Peaceful Schools:
Parents/Guardians of students with an IEP: Your voice belongs at the table. Ask every question, share every lived experience, and build strong, collaborative relationships with all educators that serve your child. You are their most powerful advocate!
Aurore LaVine, SEL Interventionist:
Get a good night’s sleep each school night! A well-rested mind can be ready for anything!
Dillon Reed, Enrichment Instructor:
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We only learn what we don’t know. And of course, when in doubt dance it out.
Kaleigh Johnson, Enrichment Instructor:
Trust yourself and be your own best role model.
Emanuel Washington, Enrichment Instructor:
Eat your vegetables, drink water, live in the moment.
Karin Sperber, Enrichment Instructor:
Plan ahead to be prepared, but also be prepared to change the plan.
Murjani Ramazani, Enrichment Instructor:
Two quotes I find helpful at this time…
“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” -Robert Tew
“Very few things that are worthwhile in life come without a cost” –Marcus Andrews
Julie DeZalia, Enrichment Instructor:
Stay positive! Remember, rainbows always come after the rain.
Danielle Axelson, Enrichment Instructor:
One of my favorite things I do to prepare for back to school is preparing my spaces. I think of back to school as another form of “spring cleaning” and I do a deep clean of my house, desk, and school supplies and get rid of old things that don’t serve me anymore.
Wishing everyone a healthy, safe, productive, and peaceful school year! We are all here to help.