Professional Development

Professional Development

Professional Development

With over 25 years of professional development experience, our team leads a dynamic series of engaging trainings and workshops that help build and sustain positive culture and climate in schools and the workplace. We partner with schools, districts and teams to provide instructional strategies that equip participants with skills and understanding that can be applied directly to their classroom, school, or workplace. Allow Peaceful Schools to be your partner in giving everyone the power to be a peaceful person!

PS 2025-26 Menu of Services

What services do we provide?

Restorative Practices

Many schools are shifting away from traditional school discipline to embrace a model built on Restorative Practices. Our coaches will partner with your staff and students to strengthen your restorative systems and strategies. From foundational knowledge, to school-wide practices, to advanced techniques for leading Restorative Circles in the classroom, our trainings support you in building strong restorative communities.

De-Escalation Simulation

Come practice your skills! This highly-interactive training helps school staff develop and rehearse strategies for recognizing and responding to students’ challenging behaviors. Through a unique classroom simulation, participants practice and receive feedback on de-escalation skills in a supportive environment.

Nurturing Classroom

Chronic stress and trauma can change the way a student’s brain functions, affecting their ability to learn and communicate effectively. This training highlights trauma-informed teaching strategies to support student learning and growth.

Practicing Mindfulness

Trauma-informed mindfulness practice focuses on calming the mind to help students focus and self-regulate. This experiential training provides activities and resources to bring back to your classroom, including body scanning, awareness of breath, and intentional awareness meditation.

School-Based Mediation

This training is designed to give you all the tools you need to peacefully resolve conflicts within your school community. Completion of the 4-day training leads to certification as a School Based Mediator and equips you with the tools to immediately implement a Mediation Program in your school.

Peer Mediation

Looking to empower students to resolve conflicts peacefully? Interested in creating a Peer Mediation Program led by youth leaders in your school? Our training engages students in activities, role play and skill rehearsal to prepare them to successfully mediate disputes between other students.

Effective Team Development & Teamwork

Teamwork helps build trust among your employees. We will work with your team to develop activities and processes to motivate your staff to work together. Investing in strengthening your team’s communication and problem-solving skills with this workshop can help transform your workplace.

Peaceful People Social-Emotional Curriculum

Peaceful people is our classroom-based social-emotional education program designed to promote healthy social development, prevent youth violence, and foster positive community relationships. Built on the teaching of our base C.A.R.E.S. skills and S.T.A.R. power strategy, participants receive training in and access to our full suite of lesson plans, activity guides, and classroom structures to establish and maintain a positive classroom culture.

Upstander Assembly Series

Addressing bullying behavior is a priority for many schools, parents, and students. This lively, engaging assembly series empowers students and adults to stand up for what’s right for themselves, other and their communities, in person and online. Middle and high school students learn to prevent and respond to bullying and other hurtful behavior through safe, powerful and productive techniques.

The Power of Relationships

Positive teacher-student relationships are the cornerstone to a successful education. Yet it is often just assumed that teachers already now how to make these crucial connections with students. In this session, you will learn new approaches for establishing and maintaining connected relationships with each student within the instructional setting of your classroom.

Since 2016 Peaceful Schools has partnered with BestSelf Behavioral Health of Western New York, a community-based organization that provides behavioral health supports and after-school programming in Buffalo, NY. Our team has worked to support their school-based Social-Emotional Coordinators and after-school providers by training them with tools and strategies for supporting the social-emotional health of students. Over the years we have provided trainings in Classroom Management, Restorative Practices and Mediation, and provided them full access to our Peaceful People Social-Emotional Curriculum.

“Great facilitators that were knowledgable and engaging. I am leaving this class feeling I can move forward.” – Teacher, Denver, CO