School Improvement and Leadership Development

School Improvement and Leadership Development

What is School Improvement?

School Improvement is fundamental to the work of schools – the work of continuously striving to see greater outcomes for students. At Peaceful Schools, we understand the challenges that school and district leaders face as they grapple with the day-to-day management of schools and the need to drive systematic improvement. By building and sustaining vibrant learning communities with tiered systems of support, the School Improvement process brings focus to developing healthy individuals and communities as a primary goal of schools. Peaceful Schools partners with school leaders to ensure they have the tools that they need to lead effective change.

PS 2025-26 Menu of Services

We offer coaching, professional development, and consultant level services for schools and districts in school improvement and leadership development. Our support applies the best practices from the latest research in a customized format to leverage the strengths of your schools, district, and leaders to help you meet your improvement goals. Technical Assistance is available for schools who are under ESSA Accountability Status Guidelines, including Targeted Support and Intervention (TSI) or Comprehensive Support and Intervention (CSI), and assistance is available with developing and implementing School Comprehensive Education Plans (SCEP) and District Comprehensive Improvement Plans (DCIP).

Professional Development sessions can be customized to meet your school or district’s needs. PD offerings to support school improvement and leadership development include:

  • Developing Teacher Leaders;
  • Facilitating Data-Informed Team Meetings;
  • Planning and Implementing Collaborative Team Planning Meetings;
  • School Improvement Planning;
  • Literacy Leadership;
  • Empowering Student Leadership;
  • Peaceful Schools-Peaceful Leaders;
  • MTSS: Implementing Systems for Social Emotional Learning;
  • Kid Talk Protocol

Customized Leadership Retreats are also available for leadership teams looking to build capacity or strengthen team systems. Contact us today to see how we can partner with you in achieving your school improvement goals and developing your leadership team.

Peaceful Schools supports our clients by teaching and modeling the skills needed to develop strong leadership teams and build effective systems. Through our partnership with the LaFayette Central School District (LCSD) in Central New York, we have worked with teams of administrators, teachers, and community members to connect school improvement planning to meaningful goals that support student growth and the vision and mission of the district.

We initiated our partnership with LCSD by facilitating the development of their District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) and three School Comprehensive Education Plans (SCEP). Using a backwards planning model, we worked collaboratively to build teacher leaders and develop systems for Professional Learning Communities that will support and sustain the work of the district. Those PLCs will receive ongoing support and technical assistance as they develop their practice with data-informed instructional planning and standards-based planning.

School improvement work reflects and reinforces the character of a school or district. Our partnership with schools incorporates community building and effective engagement strategies into every part of the process to create purposeful, personalized improvement plans that are a natural outgrowth of the district’s vision.

“Carin and Peaceful Schools did a fantastic job facilitating our DCIP and school improvement plans.” – Superintendent, LaFayette Central School District

“The team building was important to get participants to talk to one another so trust was being developed prior to hard and sensitive conversations that needed to be had.” – School Improvement Planning Participant, LaFayette Central School District