Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices

What are Restorative Practices?

Peaceful Schools partners with our clients to change the culture of their learning communities by looking at school discipline differently. Rooted in indigenous practices of peacemaking, restorative practices focus on both the proactive work of building and maintaining relationships and the reactive work of repairing harm in a relationship when it occurs. Our Restorative Practices Framework teaches people how to use our C.A.R.E.S. skills to take accountability for their actions and empowers everyone to have a voice. Let Peaceful Schools become your accountability partner in creating a positive school culture and climate!

PS 2025-26 Menu of Services

What services do we provide?

We offer a variety of Restorative Practice supports and services that can be tailored to meet your community’s needs. Our Technical Assistance and Professional Development offerings focus on:

  • Foundations of Restorative Practices
  • Classroom Management and Community Building
  • Trauma Informed Practices
  • Mindfulness
  • Behavior Interventions
  • Conflict Resolution (Restorative Conferencing and Mediation)

Our direct service work places Peaceful Schools staff members in schools to provide conflict resolution and relationship building, supporting your staff, students, and families in growing their skills to become peacemakers themselves.

Contact us today to see how our team can support you in building and sustaining Restorative Practices in your school.

Peaceful Schools supports our clients by teaching and modeling skills needed to build strong relationships. In the Syracuse City School District in Syracuse, NY, our Restorative Coordinators are embedded in elementary and middle schools to provide restorative conferencing, social skill groups, behavior intervention, teacher development and consultations, family engagement, and relationship building circles.

Our team has a strong focus at the universal/Tier 1 level to provide a systematic, proactive approach to reduce suspensions and recidivism. As a result, we have helped the Syracuse City School District lower the number of referrals and suspensions and increase classroom instructional time. This work helps students, staff, and families lay the foundation for a positive school culture and climate.

“Restorative Circles give me a voice in my school and help me to share in a safe space. I learned to respect people at my school even though we have differences.” – Middle School Circle Participant, Syracuse City School District

“Restorative Practice Training gives you a sense of hope and allows you to see student behavior differently. The Peaceful Schools training facilitators always meet our needs and provide resources that we can easily use in our classrooms. I’m looking forward to more opportunities to work with Peaceful Schools” – Training Participant, Greater Amsterdam School District